July 20, 2019

12th commencement of EIT

Eritrea Institute of Technology (EIT) held on 13 July its 12th commencement, which was attended by Government officials, members of the academic senate and faculty members, graduates as well as invited guests. The commencement marked the college’s journey of 15 years since its establishment. Over the years the number of courses the college offers in various disciplines has increased. Currently, the college offers courses in the fields of Engineering and Technology, Education as well as Science.

Since 2008, the College has graduated a total of 1029 students from the College of Education (CoE), 2550 from the College of Engineering and Technology (CoET), and 1986 from the College of Science(CoS) with Bachelor’s degrees. The number of diploma graduates is 5940 from CoE, 2438 from CoET, and 715 from CoS while 63 have earned Master’s degrees.

In total, around 15,000 students in the fields of Engineering, Information Technology, Health, Mining and other industrial fields have graduated since 2004.

In the 12th commencement EIT graduated 583 students with degree in 21 fields of study and 579 with diploma in 16 fields of study. This year’s total number of graduates is 1166.

According to Prof. Ghebray Asghedom, Dean of the College of Science, at Eritrea Institute of Technology, the college started to offer new post-graduate certificate programs for BA and BSC holders from different colleges in the country with postgraduate level education in teaching. The primary objective of the postgraduate courses is to certify candidates to teach at all levels of the Eritrean education system.

The college has also been restructured to incorporate different fields of study such as Agricultural and Marine Engineering. “The reforms that have been made in all aspects are consistent with the Government’s policy on efficiency, quality and relevance of education in the country,” Prof. Ghebray noted.

The number of graduates from various disciplines has been making remarkable contribution in the overall national development. With the ongoing revitalization of tertiary education, colleges within EIT have been flourishing into autonomous colleges. Prof. Ghebray said that following the restructuring of institutions of higher education in 2018, the colleges under EIT now have autonomous administration and decision making body which is a requirement for building strong colleges.

What is more, Massawa College of Marine Sciences and Technology held its 12th commencement at EIT. This year, the college graduated a total of 131 students. The 88 earned bachelor’s degree while the 44 got diploma from the departments of Marine Food and Biotechnology, Marine Biology and Fisheries as well as Marine Engineering.

The 12th commencement of EIT was an event that reflects the country’s educational journey in the last 15 years. Some of the accomplishments in the sector that were highlighted at the event include the reorganization and relocation of the College of Education in Mai-Nefhi as an independent Asmara College of Education within the Premises of Asmara Community College of Education. The restructuring of Asmara College of Education was driven by the need to bring together resources that had been scattered in different campuses in order to effectively develop teachers to meet the growing societal demand of teachers.

Institutions of higher education have mainly focused on teaching but are now ready to include research and consultancy services as integral part of their objective. Senior and master’s program students have been engaged in various projects with the support of the National Higher Education and Research Institute.

With regards to the research activities being carried out in the colleges, Prof. Ghebray said: “More emphasis will be given to research and we are confident that the culture of research will flourish in higher education institutions.”

EIT’s College of Science runs degree programs in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Library and Information Science, Mathematics, Physics, Archives and Record Management and Statistics as well as master’s programs in Biology and Mathematics. It also has diploma programs in Computer Application as well as Archives and Record management.

The College of Engineering and Technology provides degree programs in Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering as well as Mechanical and Process Engineering.

The diploma courses offered include Automotive, Chemical, Communication, Computer, Construction, Electrical and Electronics Technology, Mining, Survey and Drafting Technology.

Humed Mahmud Abdella, Haddish Habte, Natnael Aron, who all graduated with very great distinction, were awarded medals of merit for their extraordinary academic excellence.

The outstanding graduates said they have worked hard to reach this level of accomplishment and they expressed their gratitude to all that supported them to make their long cherished dream a reality.

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