December 10, 2022

Communique Following Kenya’s President Official visit to the Eritrea

On December 9-10 2022, His Excellency the President, Hon. William Samoei RUTO, PHD., C.G.H., undertook an official visit to the State of Eritrea on the invitation of his host, H.E. President Isaias AFWERKI.
Following warm and cordial deliberations between the two Leaders, the following was agreed upon;
On Bilateral Issues;
1 The two Excellencies agreed to bolster bilateral relation between Kenya and Eritrea as well as improving people-to-people ties with a view to enhancing and entrenching regional integration. To this end, the two countries shall abolish visa requirements for their respective citizens. The two countries will also cooperate in the African Union in the spirit of Pan-Africanism.


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