January 26, 2023

President Isaias Afwerki met and hold talks with FM Sergey Lavrov

Asmara, 26 January 2023- President Isaias Afwerki in the afternoon hours of today, 26 January, received at the State House a Russian delegation led by Mr. Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs. At the meeting, President Isaias indicated that the illusion to generate a global uni-polar system has totally failed and called for an integrated effort to resist and combat the hegemonic and colonial history that had put the world into jeopardy.President Isaias also said that the war in Ukraine is vivid evidence and the ultimate attempt of their erroneous hegemonic and dominance policy.Foreign Minister Lavrov on his part said that the war in Ukraine is between groups of western countries led by the US and the Russian Federation.


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