June 15, 2019

Press Statement on the occasion of the visit of Lt. General Abdul-Fattah Al-Burhan; Chairman of the Transitional Military Council Of Sudan

For over thirty years, Sudan’s National Congress Party – an adjunct and continuation of the Islamic Movement – inflicted unparalleled damage in the country thereby creating a vacuum.  The following few and major events illustrate the gravity of the prevalent situation:

* Pushing South  Sudan to opt for secession and precipitating a situation of recurrent tension;

* Perpetuating and micro-managing the problems in Darfur, Kordofan, Blue Nile, the East and other areas;

* Inducing the proliferation of over 120 political organizations and parties in order to divide and weaken them and thereby prolong its rule;

* Impoverishing the Sudan – potentially a breadbasket  – and causing it to suffer chronic bread shortages;

* Installing a corrupt and kleptocratic regime in stark contrast to its pronounced agenda of “advocacy for the deprived and promotion


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