December 11, 2021

Statement by Minister Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the States of Eritrea

On the occasion of the 73rd Anniversary Of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Honorable Ministers, Government Officials,
Ambassadors, UN Resident Coordinator and UN Colleagues,
distinguished participants,

We are gathered today in honoring the 73rd Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. An instrument which lays the foundation for the progressive development of international law in general and specifically Human Rights Law and it is also a historic commitment to the ideals of humanity.
The universal adoption of the document is also a clear reminder and indication of the collective nature of the responsibility to protect, respect and fulfill the ideals and principles of the declaration. No country is a Champion in this respect and every aspiration should be applauded! Despite the economic inequalities, we cannot achieve such novel ideals with criticism, naming and shaming but with partnership and cooperation. We cannot also trade such ideals for narrow geo-political interests and use them as a tool for intervention in the internal affairs of…


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