March 6, 2023

Statement of the Eritrean Delegation
at the UNHRC 52nd Session

Thank you, Mr. President,
Eritrea’s development strategy is anchored on the commitment to ensure the full enjoyment of human rights and social security of all its citizens through an inclusive and participatory process of social justice. This conviction and policy commitment continues to be pursued with higher vigor in spite of unremitting external hostilities essentially aimed at undermining the inalienable rights of Eritrea for peaceful coexistence with its neighbors in the geostrategic Horn of Africa region.The unrelenting harassment of Eritrea for more than ten years now through the unwarranted appointment of Special Rapporteurs stems from, and is inextricably linked with, the hostile agenda of its detractors as indicated above.In this respect, it should not surprise us that this charade continues to linger in a vicious cycle from Special Rapporteur to a Commission of…


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