May 29, 2021

Teaching the Science of life

By Asmait Futsumbrhan
Meet Seble Haile, an inspiration to what a role model should be. Just like many other Eritrean families, Mr.Haile’s family, along with a one-year-old Seble, joined the long fight for freedom at the Sahil fields. It’s there that Seble was introduced to her new family of freedom fighters (who were her second parents and teachers), and it’s at Sahil fields that she says she was shaped to become who she is today. Education was highly valued by the EPLF and young Seble understood this and devoted her time to education. For this reason she was made a teacher at times when her teachers went to battles. Pursuing her dream was her priority. Mrs. Seble continued her educational journey after independence by taking classes and teaching on the side. Currently she is one of the few Eritrean female microbiologists teaching at Eritrea Institute of Technology (EIT)


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