December 19, 2020

Transforming Arid Zones into Wetlands

By Kesete Ghebrehiwet | It is quite breathtaking to see human made lakes in areas that were once arid and dramatic change in the ecosystem and the lifestyle of people who live in such areas. The development endeavors have triggered a chain of transformations in infrastructure, which are obvious in the Gash-Barka region. The Gash-Barka region is known for its hot climate. Fanko-Tsumu’e is a place in the region.

Tsumu’e roughly means “arid.” Some places, including Fanko-Tsumu’e and Kerkebet, were hardly conducive for farm activities due to scarcity of water. This natural barrier has now been overcome with the construction of dams and soil and Eritrea Profile, Saturday, 12 December, 2020 No.50 2 Transforming Arid Zones into Wetlands water conservation activities such as afforestation and the construction of water catchments.

The construction of dams takes the lead in bringing about the multifaceted achievements that are being…


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